How to feel inspired and avoid the dreaded writer’s block!

A coffee mug full of black coffee. Words on the mug say "Begin"

We’ve all been there. Some more than others :/

That dreaded moment when you sit down, open the laptop and hover your finger tips over the keys, awaiting a moment of magic. But then nothing….

It’s different to procrastination. Which is something I am pretty much the Queen of. Writer’s block is that feeling of literally not being able to string a sentence anyone over the age of five would be proud of. It’s horrible! I’ve often thought to myself “Is this it?! Have my writing skills finally deserted me!?”

So how do we overcome this and inspire the words to flow? Here are some tips I follow to keep the demons away…

Free writing

Ok, it sounds kind of scary and sometimes a little silly but free writing is a tool that was once suggested to me and I’ve loved ever since. Think of a random title or thought. Write it at the top of your page and then GO. For ten minutes, write whatever you want without thinking. Whatever lands on the page is a valuable moment of expression. I see it as a sort of release of stress from within my brain. Pushing out all the thoughts that were previously trapped.

Take a break

It’s ok to admit defeat for that moment. Close down your laptop, put on your trainers and go for a walk. It clears the mind and gives you the chance to see, smell and even hear some inspiration from outside your four walls.


What better way to find ideas than inside a piece of literature. Whatever you enjoy, just go for it. I’ve often jotted down phrases or sentences that I’ve particularly loved from some of my favourite books – they’re great to read when you have a moment’s reflection.


Ok, I might be alone on this one but quite often I write down my dreams. Only the particularly poignant or elaborate ones but it always makes for great reading later on. Isn’t it funny how you often remember your dream when you first wake up but it fades as the minutes pass? Note book and pen by your bed and at the ready!

People watch

Many characters that I’ve included in my writing have been inspired by those I’ve seen whilst out and about in town, wandering the shops or even in restaurants and bars. Some people call it being nosey, I prefer to see it as research for work.

Speak to other writers

You are never alone in anything you experience as a writer. However, working independently can feel quite isolating at times so it’s important to have a network of people around you who can empathise and discuss ideas or issues with you. Whether this is a virtual or real life community, it doesn’t matter.

Set realistic goals

We know our own personal limits so don’t expect more of yourself each day. If you have a particularly challenging piece of work on your hands then be kind. A goal can be as simple as making notes or a skeleton draft of subheadings and bullet points. It’s all progress.

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