Book and manuscript editing

Given its own page because, well, this type of editing is truly special.

So you’ve written a book…or at least started one…

But isn’t it so difficult to objectively read, edit and make suggestions on your own writing?! This is where I come in.

Moving from draft form to a fully polished and presentable manuscript is complex, and often a huge challenge. It’s a wonderful journey to take on but certainly not something you can do alone.

Book editing is a special experience. And I always feel genuinely honoured to be let into the world of someone else’s imagination. What a gift to offer.

What do we do next?

As with my approach to all editing, I like to look at everything on an individual basis as there are no two books/manuscripts/drafts alike. Some have been edited fifteen times before they reach my desk, others are fresh onto the paper.

There are various options I can give:

Proofreading – a general check of your manuscript for spelling mistakes, any wandering commas that shouldn’t be there, and basic errors or mistypes. Think of it as a general tidy-up.

Editing – Again, a read-through of your manuscript but this time at a more detailed level. Technical and timing errors in your story that need altering for reality to remain apparent.

Style and tone – a detailed edit where we really polish your work to ensure it shines as it should. I will help with flow, story tone, and detailed description. It can be at a planning level or within a particular chapter you’re battling with and just can’t get through.

Full Edit – we will work together, using your initial ideas to complete your manuscript together. We can discuss plot, character development, themes, and story progression, whilst connecting all the dots in between.

For a chat about your manuscript please email me at

I can’t wait to start working with you.